
Giant Panda Bears!

here are some pictures of Giant Panda Bears!

I love Giant Panda Bears!! They're soooo cute! But remember everyone, their still wild animals, and their bears too! You can learn all about Giant Panda Bears here: http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/panda.php
But also remember to always be safe and smart when your around animals, even if only at a zoo! ;)


Hawaiian Monk Seal!

Here are some pictures of Hawaiian Monk Seal's!

Cute little pies aren't they? =) These Seal's are very endangered, and there are so few now days. You can learn all about them here: http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/hawaiian_monk_seal.php 
These Seal's are also making their way into doll lovers hearts! If you like American Girl dolls, then you know that this year's girl of the year doll Kanani wanted to help the Hawaiian Monk Seal. You can check her out here: http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/static/kananidoll.jsp
We really do have amazing creatures that God's made! =)